We are getting closer to what we, in Sweden, call Semlatider (time for Semla) …
This means that the whole of Sweden will eat this traditional Swedish pastry all around the clock. The Semla – a small, wheat flour bun, flavoured with cardamom and filled with almond paste and whipped cream – has become something of a carb-packed icon in Sweden.
There was plenty of talks in Sweden regarding the next cross over product, that has a similar taste of the Semla Bun, and we will be achieving this by launching, for the first time, a latte that tastes like a Semla; the Semla Latte!
The semla – a small, wheat flour bun, flavoured with cardamom and filled with almond paste and whipped cream.
Traditional Swedish Pastry
Strictly seasonal, typically between January – March
Made of a double shot of espresso, steamed milk, almond syrup from Routin 1883, whipped cream, toasted almond flakes and powdered cardamom on top.
Inspired by the ingredients of the Semla Bun.
Wayne’s Coffee innovation introduced to the Swedish Semla Tradition